Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Menter Bro Aled Cyf

Adnewyddu to adeilad y toiledau / Re roofing the toilet building
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Polisi preifatrwydd / Privacy polisy
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Lansiad Ffilm o fywyd pentref Llansannan tros flwyddyn / Launch of the film of village life in Llansannan
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Llyfr Ymwelwyr o Doiledau'r Merched. / Visitor's Book from the ladies Toilet
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Ffenestri newydd i'r adeilad / New windows for the building
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Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwyr y Flwyddyn Cymru / Wales Volunteer of the Year Awards
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Gwobrau Busnes Conwy Wledig 2013 Conwy Rural Business Awards
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Gwobrau cymunedol goreuon Conwy 2012 / Pride of Conwy community awards 2012
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Agoriad Swyddogol y ganolfan GT / Official opening of the IT suite
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Cyrsiau Cyfrifidur / Computer Courses
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Llechen wedi ei darparu gan Gwyn Williams (Hafod Elwy) a osodwyd ar adeilad y toiledau Dydd Sadwrn y 23 ain o Awst 2012.
This slate was prepared by Gwyn Williams (Hafod Elwy) and placed on the toilet building on Saturday 23rd August 2012.


Mae'r toiledau ar agor ers Mis Awst 2011. Gwnaed gwaith trwsio arnynt gan wirfoddolwyr er eu tacluso.
Yma gwelir Trefor efo'i frwsh paent.

The toilets have been open since August 2011. Repair work was carried out by local volunteers in order to bring them up to an acceptable standard. Here's Trefor with his paint brush.


Alan (Salt) yn trwsio'r to

Roof repairs by Alan (Salt)


Trosglwyddwyd y toiledau'n swyddogol i Fenter Bro Aled Cyf mewn seremoni p'nawn Dydd Mercher yr 17eg o Dachwedd 2010. Yn cynrychioli y Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy oedd Mr Lyn Davis a Mr Peter Harris or Gasanaethau Amgylcheddol. 'Roedd nifer o drigolion lleol a chynrychiolwyr o Gymdeithas y Cerddwyr yn bresenol er fod y tywydd yn anffafriol. Yn dilyn y seremoni,cafwyd te traddiodadol Cymreig yn y Llew Coch.

The toilets were officially transfered to Menter Bro Aled Ltd during a ceremony on Wednesday afternoon of the 17th November 2010. Representing Conwy County Borough Council were Mr Lyn Davies and Mr Peter Harris, both from the Environmental Services. A number of local residents and members of the Ramblers Association were present despite the weather being foul. Following the ceremony, refreshments in the way of a traditional Welsh tea was served at the Red Lion.


Cafwyd Noson Cwis yn y Llew Coch Nos Wener y 19eg o Dachwedd i godi arian tuag at y cynllun Gwybodaeth Technoleg i'r Ganolfan sydd ar y gweill trwy'r Fenter. 'Roedd chwech tim yn cystadlu gyda un tim yn cynwys 3 a oedd yn siarad iaith yr Iseldirodd. Gwnaed elw o £60.00 erbyn diwedd y noson.

A Quiz night was held at the Red Lion on Friday evening the 19th November as a fundraiser for the Menter's Information Technology sceme proposed for the Community centre. Six teams competed with one team comprising of three Dutch speakers.
A profit of £60.00 was realised by the end of the evening.

Menter Bro Aled Cyf Statistics: 0 click throughs, 2745 views since start of 2024

Menter bro Aled Cyf.JPGMenter Bro Aled Cyf

Daeth nifer dda o drigolion y fro ynghyd er penodi Cyfarwyddwyr i Fwrdd y Fenter Nos Fawrth y 23ain o Fawrth. Cafwyd cyfle i ddysgu am gyfrifoldebau a dyletswyddau cyfarwyddwyr a derbyniwyd y cyfansoddiad (erthyglau).
Y cam nesaf yw cofrestru'r Cwmni efo Ty'r Cwmniau yn Llundain.

A good number of local residents came together for appointing Directors to the Board on Tuesday 23rd March. Training on the role and responsibilities of Directors was received and the constitution (articles) was adopted. The next step is to register the Company with Companies House, London.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 75 click throughs, 66261 views since start of 2024